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One difficulty in translation lies in

One difficulty in translation lies in obtaining a concept match._______ this is meant that a concept in one language is lost or changed in meaning in translation.

  • AA By B In C No less than D Nothing more than

选[A]。本题重点考查对介词的掌握。当下定义或解释某种事物时,常用介词by,构成By ... is meant或者By ..., it is meant ...。


1、In one of your 

In one of your online transaction processing (OLTP) applications, most users frequently mo...

2、Current flowing in only one direction

Current flowing in only one direction is called ()Aalternating currentBomnidirectional currentCdirect currentDsinusoidal current

3、I saw that she was in difficulty with

I saw that she was in difficulty with all those parcels, so I offered my()AserviceBmoneyCuseDchance

4、In discussing oil pollution, one impor

In discussing oil pollution, one important fact to remember is that the problem remains the same () heavy () light oil is spilled into the water.Aboth;andBwhether;orCneither;norDbecause;so

5、Some () lying in the starting air line

Some () lying in the starting air lines will give rise to corrosion and can cause water hammer.AairBmoistureCcooling waterDlubricant

6、In one of your 

In one of your online transaction processing (OLTP) applications, users are manipulating a...