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()is where the crew eat their meals.

()is where the crew eat their meals.

  • AThe funnel
  • BThe messroom
  • CThe galley
  • DThe satellite anternna

1、Perihelion is the point where the Sun(

Perihelion is the point where the Sun().Ais nearest to the EarthBis farthest from the EarthCis on the opposite side of the Earth from the MoonDand Moon and Earth are in line

2、The only access()their house is along

The only access()their house is along a narrow road.AtoBofCatDo

3、Where is the woman from?

Where is the woman from?A Japan.B England.C Australia.

4、23._________ is the main meal in a day

23._________ is the main meal in a day.A BreakfastB SupperC LunchD Vegetables and wine

5、Where is the su̳

Where is the su log located?()A /var B /var/adm C /var/perf D /var/spool

6、There is a fire in the crew’s quarters

There is a fire in the crew’s quarters of your vessel. You should().Aventilate the quarters as much as possibleBprepare to abandon shipCclose all ventilation to the quarters if possibleDattempt to put the fire out yourself before sounding the alarm