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Variation is a compass error that you(

Variation is a compass error that you().

  • Acan correct by adjusting the compass card
  • Bcan correct by adjusting the compensating magnets
  • Ccan correct by changing the vessel's heading
  • Dcannot correct

1、The error in a magnetic compass caused

The error in a magnetic compass caused by the vessel’s magnetism is called().AvariationBdeviationCcompass errorDbearing error

2、You have a Web application that is co

You have a Web application that is configured for personalization. You need to access personalization data from one of the pages of the Web a...

3、You create a Web site that is for mem

You create a Web site that is for members only. The behavior of the Web site changes according to the role of the user. The Web site uses...

4、The compass error of a magnetic compas

The compass error of a magnetic compass that has no deviation is().AzeroBequal to variationCeliminated by adjusting the compassDconstant at any geographical locatio

5、Compass error is equal to the().

Compass error is equal to the().Adeviation minus variationBvariation plus compass courseCcombined variation and deviationDdifference between true and magnetic heading

6、You create a Web site that is for memb

You create a Web site that is for members only. The Web site allows members to create lists of users that have access to information about ...