可学答题网 > 问答 > 船舶电气与船舶安全题库
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Water is a very effective fire extingu

Water is a very effective fire extinguishing agent because it()

  • Awill remove all the toxic fumes from the air
  • Bhas the greatest cooling ability
  • Cwill leave no harmful residue
  • Dcompletely removes combustible vapors from the air

1、An example of class "A" fire is a/an (

An example of class "A" fire is a/an ().Aelectrical fire in the engine roomBoil fire in the engine room bilgesCoil fire involving a grade "A" petroleum productDmattress fire in a stateroom

2、A free press is considered very import

A free press is considered very important to the functioning of parliamentary democracy because().Ait plays a watchdog function,keeping an eye ...

3、A customer is very&#

A customer is very concerned about maintaining a competitive advantage through the use ...

4、A vessel is proceeding from a very col

A vessel is proceeding from a very cold climate to a warm climate.With a cargo of non-hygroscopic nature,which of the following is correct?(...

5、A large oil fire is best extinguished

A large oil fire is best extinguished with()Asoda acidBfoamCCO2Dsand

6、When a boiler is operating, the water

When a boiler is operating, the water level in the gauge glass reads () when the boiler is shut down.Alower thanBhigher thanCas much asDthe same a