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In a diesel engine, exhaust valves op

In a diesel engine, exhaust valves open before the intake ports are uncovered to () Ⅰ.reduce pumping losses Ⅱ.reduce back pressure

  • AⅠonly
  • BⅡonly
  • CbothⅠand Ⅱ
  • DneitherⅠnor Ⅱ

1、If a diesel engines exhaust temperatur

If a diesel engines exhaust temperature is abnormally high, the cause could be()Atoo light of a loadBinjection timing is too earlyCoverloading of the engineDtoo low of a compression ratio

2、The exhaust system of a diesel engine

The exhaust system of a diesel engine is usually designed to remove exhaust gases and to ()Aprovide exhaust back pressureBprevent exhaust smoke emissionsCpower a reciprocating superchargerDmuffle exhaust gas noise

3、A two-stroke diesel engine exhaust te

A two-stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four-stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the ()(1) MEP ...

4、The exhaust ports of a diesel engine u

The exhaust ports of a diesel engine using the cross-flow scavenging method are opened and closed by the ()Areciprocating motion of exhaust valvesBrotary motion of the camshaftCreciprocating motion of the pistonDdeveloped differential

5、The intake valves in a diesel engine a

The intake valves in a diesel engine are reseated by ().Acam followersBpush rodsCcombustion gasesDvalve spring

6、In a normally operating diesel engine,

In a normally operating diesel engine, the main cause of lubricating oil contamination in the crankcase is a result of the ().Ametal particle...