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Diesel engine piston ring blow-by is u

Diesel engine piston ring blow-by is usually caused by excessive ring clearance at the ring()

  • Aback
  • Bside
  • Cgap
  • Dbottom

1、Trunk-type diesel engine pistons are m

Trunk-type diesel engine pistons are most effectively cooled by heat()Aconducted through the engine blockBconducted to water cooled cylinder wallsCconducted through the piston crownDloss to escaping exhaust gase

2、Excessive piston ring wear in a diesel

Excessive piston ring wear in a diesel engine will cause()Ahigh lube oil viscosityBincreased lube oil consumptionClow lube oil temperaturesDhigh firing pressure

3、A diesel engine piston ring face is in

A diesel engine piston ring face is in direct contact with the ().Atop of the ring grooveBcylinder liner oil filmCbottom of the ring grooveDback of the ring groove

4、Trunk type diesel engine pistons are e

Trunk type diesel engine pistons are effectively cooled when heat is()Aradiated through the engine blockBtransferred to water cooled cylinder wallsCconducted through the piston crownDtransferred to escaping exhaust gase

5、In a diesel engine, blow-by()

In a diesel engine, blow-by()Aincrease exhaust back pressureBcauses excessive crankcase pressureCcan only be detected by a compression checkDdecreases fuel consumptio

6、In a diesel engine, blow-by is a resul

In a diesel engine, blow-by is a result of combustion gases leaking into the crankcase past the ()Awrist pin bushingsBcompression ringsCcylinder liner sealsDcylinder liner sealing ring