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While loading cargo,a white trimming l

While loading cargo,a white trimming light on the starboard side comes on. This indicates that().

  • Athe vessel has a list of about 1` to starboard
  • Bthe chutes should be directed to the starboard side
  • Cthe chutes in No. 1 hold should be directed to the starboard side
  • Da severe list to starboard has developed and all loading should cease

1、When loading a cargo of taconite,prope

When loading a cargo of taconite,proper sequencing of loading by hatch number is necessary to ().Aprovide the proper trimBprevent negative stability from developingCprevent excessive longitudinal stressesDcontrol list

2、While testing a cargo tank,your oxygen

While testing a cargo tank,your oxygen indicator reads 25% oxygen in the tank. You would then ().Aenter the tank safelyBsuspect the accuracy of the readingCventilate the tankDtest for nitroge

3、How()the cargo at loading port?

How()the cargo at loading port?AaboutBinCwithDfrom

4、How()the cargo at loading port?

How()the cargo at loading port?AaboutBwithConDfrom

5、A vessel transferring cargo while unde

A vessel transferring cargo while underway is classified by the Rules as a vessel().Arestricted in her ability to maneuverBin special circumstancesCnot under commandDconstrained by her draft

6、If a full cargo is not loaded,the Char

If a full cargo is not loaded,the Charterer must pay not only freight on the goods actually shipped but also().Abroken spaceBdead weightCconstantDdead freight