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It is a good idea()people to take holi

It is a good idea()people to take holidays.

  • Aof
  • Bfor
  • Cto
  • Dwith

1、When you meet a group of people, it is

When you meet a group of people, it is better to remember __A all their names B a couple of names firstC just their last names D as many names as possible

2、It is()for people to work shorter hour

It is()for people to work shorter hoursAsuggestedBrecommendedCadvisedDadvisable

3、A good host is()to the needs of his gu

A good host is()to the needs of his guests.AaccustomedBoverwhelmingCattentiveDinvaluable

4、Cycling is a good exercise.(), it does

Cycling is a good exercise.(), it doesnt pollute the air.AThereforeBHoweverCMoreoverDBut

5、It is()for people to feel excited when

It is()for people to feel excited when they start doing something new.AnormalBordinaryCaverageDregular

6、It is good practice to use long towlin

It is good practice to use long towlines for ocean tows because the().Awear on the towline is equalizedBweight of the towline increases the towing forceCdip in the towline absorbs shock loadsDdanger of overriding is reduced