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The dangerous semicircle of a hurrican

The dangerous semicircle of a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere is that area of the storm ().

  • Ato the right of the storm's track
  • Bmeasured from true north clockwise to 180°T
  • Cmeasured from true north counterclockwise to 180°T
  • Dbetween the ship's heading and the bearing to the eye

1、The navigable semicircle of a tropical

The navigable semicircle of a tropical storm in the South Indian Ocean is located on which side of the storm’s track? ()ARearBFrontCLeftDRight

2、There is a danger of the starting curr

There is a danger of the starting current that the windings are burnt out()Ato increaseBto be so increasedCincreasedDbeing so increased

3、The edge of a hurricane has overtaken

The edge of a hurricane has overtaken your vessel in the Gulf of Mexico,and the northwest wind of a few hours ago has shifted to the west....

4、Recurvature of a hurricane’s track usu

Recurvature of a hurricane’s track usually results in the forward speed().AincreasingBdecreasingCremaining the sameDvarying during the day

5、The dangerous semicircle of a typhoon

The dangerous semicircle of a typhoon in the Southern Hemisphere is that area().Ameasured from due south clockwise 180°Bmeasured from due s...

6、That half of the hurricane to the righ

That half of the hurricane to the right hand side of its track (as you face the same direction that the storm is moving) in the Northern Hemisphere is called the().Awindward sideBleeward sideCsafe semicircleDdangerous semicircle