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Vessels,()support vessels,should not e

Vessels,()support vessels,should not enter the safety zone of a deepwater port unless clearance has been obtained from the Vessel Traffic Supervisor.

  • Abesides
  • Bexcepted
  • Cotherwise
  • Dother tha

1、Aboard damaged vessels,the MOST import

Aboard damaged vessels,the MOST important consideration is preserving().Abilge pumping capacityBreserve buoyancyClevel attitudeDinstability

2、Vessels ramaining()a few hours should

Vessels ramaining()a few hours should moor with anchors.Amuch thanBmore thanCmany thanDlot tha

3、Vessels carrying()must not willfully w

Vessels carrying()must not willfully wash decks or holds.Ageneral cargoBsteel productsCharmful cargoDmachinery

4、All inspected vessels on unrestricted

All inspected vessels on unrestricted ocean routes must have equipment on board for testing an individual’s().AbloodBbreathCurineDAll of the above

5、Vessels should maintain a sharp lookou

Vessels should maintain a sharp lookout,especially during December through March,when navigating the right whale’s only known calving grounds wh...

6、Vessels should be manned()duly qualifi

Vessels should be manned()duly qualified officers and crew adequate()ensure the safety of navigation.Aby/toBwith/toCwith/forDfrom/for