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If it becomes necessary for a stand-on

If it becomes necessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision,she shall NOT,if possible,().

  • ADecrease speed
  • BIncrease speed
  • CTurn to port for a vessel on her own port side
  • DTurn to starboard for a vessel on her own port side

1、If it becomes necessary to pump bilges

If it becomes necessary to pump bilges while a vessel is in port, which of the following procedures should be followed?()APump only if the ...

2、It is necessary for us () after having

It is necessary for us () after having served for a certain period.Ato change the lube oilBhave the lube oil purifiedChave the lube oil burntDto analyze the lube oil

3、I’ll go for a walk with you if it ____

I’ll go for a walk with you if it ____ tomorrow.A won’t rainB doesn’t rainC will rainD not rains

4、I think it’s()longer necessary for me

I think it’s()longer necessary for me to sign.AnoBnotCnorDneither

5、If it becomes necessary to cutout an i

If it becomes necessary to cutout an individual cylinder of a large, low-speed, main propulsion diesel engine, the fuel to that cylinder should...

6、Which condition is necessary for a sub

Which condition is necessary for a substance to burn?()AThe temperature of the substance must be equal to or above its fire pointBThe air mu...