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The knowledge we gained in school is v

The knowledge we gained in school is very important, _____________ we will depend in the future.

  • Ain which
  • Bto which
  • Cof which
  • Don which

【答案】D【译文】我们在学校学的知识很重要,将来我们要依靠它。 【考点】介词+关系代词引导定语从句【解析】介词之后应接which,而介词的确立是要看从句中的谓语和先行词之间用什么连接,depend on sth.意为“依赖、依靠”,为固定搭配,从而确定介词是on,故选D。


1、A new school was ______ in the village

A new school was ______ in the village last year.A held upB set upC sent upD brought u

2、We look forward to()the goods in the f

We look forward to()the goods in the fourth quarter.Athe delivery ofByour deliveryCdeliverDdelivery

3、10. After the rebuilding,our school is

10. After the rebuilding,our school is becoming _________ .A more and more beautifulB more beautiful and beautifulC beautiful and beautifulD the more beautiful

4、The boy is not happy at the new school

The boy is not happy at the new school. He has()friends there.AfewBa fewClittleDa little

5、Many a school in the United States ___

Many a school in the United States ______to train men in theology.A was set upB were set upC has set upD have set u

6、Project() Management is the Knowledge

Project() Management is the Knowledge Area that employs the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, distribut...