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During the course of a voyage,a seaman

During the course of a voyage,a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle. The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident,Injury or Death if the().

  • Ainjured needs first aid
  • Binjured is incapacitated
  • Cinjury results in loss of life only
  • Dinjury is the result of misconduct

1、()provides a paper trace of course ste

()provides a paper trace of course steered by the vessel against time.AThe echo sounderBThe radarCThe course recorderDThe direction finder

2、As in the case of a voyage charter-par

As in the case of a voyage charter-party,it is implied in the bill of lading that the voyage must be prosecuted with().Aoperational customBrational practiceCdue diligenceDreasonable despatch

3、During a storm,the chance of fatigue f

During a storm,the chance of fatigue failure of a mooring line will increase as().Avessel motions increaseBmooring tensions decreaseCKG increasesDKG decrease

4、During the voyage from Singapore, my v

During the voyage from Singapore, my vessel()No.9904 tropical storm.AmetBsawCwatchedDencountered

5、During the voyage my ship()bad weather

During the voyage my ship()bad weather in the Pacific Ocean.Ameets withBhas met withCmet withDmeeted with

6、During the voyage he encountered boist

During the voyage he encountered boisterous winds and heavy weather during which time the vessel()heavily and to such an extent that at times it was necessary to change course.AmovedBlaboredCdroveDwent