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He()driving me home, even though I tol

He()driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby

  • Ainsisted on
  • Binsisted at
  • Cinsisted that
  • Dinsisted i

1、下列对于全新福特锐界Follow Me Home伴我回家功能描述正确的是()

下列对于全新福特锐界Follow Me Home伴我回家功能描述正确的是()。A属于福特车型同级独有的安全服务设计B熄火锁车后,车灯可延时20秒熄灭C人性化的体验,照亮夜晚回家的路D...

2、1. Though I failed in the exam last te

1. Though I failed in the exam last term,my teacher gave me an important _________That was a beautiful smile.AgiftBbookCnoteDletter

3、I wish that he()to the movies with me

I wish that he()to the movies with me yesterday.AwentBcould goCwas goneDcould have gone

4、A3的“Follow Me home control”功能,前提条件是:车钥

A3的“Follow Me home control”功能,前提条件是:车钥匙拔出点火开关()分钟内,操作大灯延时开关才有效。A一B二C三D四

5、福睿斯“Follow Me Home”伴我回家功能,熄火后,有任何一扇车门开

福睿斯“Follow Me Home”伴我回家功能,熄火后,有任何一扇车门开启的3min后,或者在最后一扇车门关闭的()秒后,前照灯将自动关闭。A20B25C30D35

6、The question "How fast did he drive wh

The question "How fast did he drive when he ran the red light?" ____ “He ran the red light”ApresupposesBentailsCcontradictsDincludes