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After taking on fuel oil, the hoses sh

After taking on fuel oil, the hoses should be disconnected and ().

  • Adraped over the fantail to dry out
  • Bdrained over the side and washed out
  • Cdrained into the bilges and washed out
  • Ddrained into buckets or fuel tank

1、Each hose in the fuel transfer system

Each hose in the fuel transfer system for helicopter refueling must meet the standards of the().AFederal Aviation AdministrationBCorps of EngineersCNational Fire Protection AssociationDNational Transportation Safety Board

2、Your vessel is taking on fuel oil when

Your vessel is taking on fuel oil when a small leak develops in the hose and you have ordered the pumping stoppedBefore resuming pumping,you...

3、Lube oil pumps taking suction from the

Lube oil pumps taking suction from the sump of most small marine engines are usually ().Aof the diaphragm typeBof the centrifugal typeCof the positive displacement typeDindependently driven by electric motor

4、When taking soundings on a floating sh

When taking soundings on a floating ship,the tape should be lowered and brought back quickly to().Areduce the time the sounding tube is open...

5、The minimum fuel oil delivery pressure

The minimum fuel oil delivery pressure required for diesel engine injection depends primarily on the()Adegree of cylinder air turbulenceBfiring pressure in the engineCquality of fuel to be injectedDduration of the ignition delay period

6、The treatment of the fuel oils involve

The treatment of the fuel oils involves storage, heating, filtering and()AcentrifugingBpressurizingCatomizationDigniting