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Before doing any work on a hydraulic s

Before doing any work on a hydraulic system equipped with accumulators, you should()

  • Adrain the accumulators and purge with oxygen
  • Bbleed off all stored energy from the accumulators completely
  • Ccharge the accumulators to prevent system energy loss
  • Dpump the hydraulic fluid into the accumulators to prevent fluid lo

1、A:Do you have any 

A:Doyouhaveanysuggestionsaboutit?B:()A No, I have no ideaB Let me give you a handC After I read it in detail, will tell you my opinio

2、An obstruction on a helodeck is any ob

An obstruction on a helodeck is any object that might present a hazard to the().Arotor blades and landing gearBunloading of passengersCloading of cargoDpilot's visibility

3、Before switching on gyro-compass,you s

Before switching on gyro-compass,you should make sure that the power supply on board is().Ahigh or lowBAC or DCCstrong or weakDon or off

4、Before welding is permitted on a fuel

Before welding is permitted on a fuel tank, it must be certified or declared ()Asafe for becoming roundedBsafe for hot workCnot safe for personnelDnot safe for hot work

5、Any extinguishing agent used on a Clas

Any extinguishing agent used on a Class “C” fire must have which important property? ()ACooling abilityBLeaves no residueCPenetrating powerDNonconductivity

6、Before doing maintenance on electrical

Before doing maintenance on electrical equipment, you should ().Aturn off power firstBturn on power firstCwith a test pen in handDtell C/E