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Can I take your order now?()

Can I take your order now?()

  • AThank you for you offer.
  • BSorry, it‘s beyond my order.
  • CBy no means.
  • DJust a moment. Tow friends are coming.

1、Can I connect my printer()your compute

Can I connect my printer()your computer?AforBonCtoDi

2、I can not take any actions to avoid cl

I can not take any actions to avoid close quarters situation with you,because your navigation lights().Ais not visibleBare not invisibleCare not visibleDcan easily be see

3、Fly ash can partly take the place of _

Fly ash can partly take the place of ______.A paving materialB cementC concreteD the coal by-product

4、I()finish my homework now. I can do it

I()finish my homework now. I can do it at the weekend.Ahave toBdon‘t have toCmustDmustn‘t

5、Can I borrow your digital camera for a

Can I borrow your digital camera for a couple of days?()AYes, you may not borrow.BYes, go on.CSure, here you are. Enjoy your journey.DIt doesn't matter

6、You can try it right now 的中文意思是()

You can try it right now 的中文意思是()AA、您可以往右边试试BB、您现在就可以用了CC、您可以马上试试DD、请便