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A buoy having red and green horizontal

A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of().

  • Agroup occulting
  • Bcomposite group flashing
  • CMorse letter A
  • Dquick flashing



2、An orange and white buoy indicating a

An orange and white buoy indicating a vessel-exclusion area will be marked with what symbol? ()AOpen-faced diamondBDiamond with a crossCCircleDSquare

3、A circuit breaker and a fuse have a ba

A circuit breaker and a fuse have a basic similarity in that they both ().Acan be reset to energize the circuitBshould open the circuit when overloadedCwill burn out when an over current flow developsDAll of the above

4、At 1810,a red buoy bears 010° relative

At 1810,a red buoy bears 010° relative. This buoy marks().Athe side of York Spit ChannelBthe visibility limit of the red sector of Cape Henry LightCa submerged obstruction in York Spit ChannelDthe York River Entrance Channel



6、A buoy having red and green horizontal

A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of().Ainterrupted quick flashingBcomposite group flashingCMorse (A)Dquick flashing