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Stainless steel is material commonly u

Stainless steel is material commonly used for temperatures up to 50℃; beyond that and for severe corrosive conditions other materials are requiredThe bold and italic word “that” probably means ().

  • Astainless steel
  • Btemperature
  • C50℃
  • Dother material

1、Radiation fog is more commonly encount

Radiation fog is more commonly encountered in().AspringBlater winterCautumnDend of summer

2、() is to get the materials and service

() is to get the materials and services from a company.AOrderingBProcurementCPurchasingDApplication

3、Advection fog is most commonly caused

Advection fog is most commonly caused by().Aair being warmed above the dew pointBsaturation of cold air by rainCa rapid cooling of the air near the surface of the Earth at nightDwarm moist air being blown over a colder surface

4、Which of the materials listed is used

Which of the materials listed is used as the dynamic seal material on mechanical seals installed on most centrifugal pumps used in water service?()ACopperBCopper and carbonCCarbonDBronze

5、Oil is an important()material which ca

Oil is an important()material which can be processed into many different products, including plastics.AuncoveredBrawCfreshDcrude

6、Seamless mild steel is used for steam

Seamless mild steel is used for steam (also copper for moderate pressure and temperature), h-pair, feed discharge and all oil fuel pressure pip...