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Be carefully when you()the derrick.

Be carefully when you()the derrick.

  • Aoperate
  • Boperating
  • Coperated
  • Doperate

1、Be careful()mix the inflammable cargo

Be careful()mix the inflammable cargo with that kind.Ado notBwill notCshall notDnot to

2、Care must be taken to condition the ()

Care must be taken to condition the ()in the boiler to prevent scaling, and corrosion, which can weaken the pressure vessel.AwaterBfuelCsteamDair

3、You must take good care of the drainag

You must take good care of the drainage cock of the air control systemBecause () leads scale formed which might malfunction the pilot control valve and other instruments.Athe temperatureBthe rustCthe pressureDthe humidity

4、The cargo,when(),should be completely

The cargo,when(),should be completely covered with plastic.AstowBstowingCstowedDbe stowed

5、When possible,what should be the FIRST

When possible,what should be the FIRST step in combating a fire on deck resulting from a cargo overflow or a leaking cargo line?()ABlanket ...

6、Be careful,()you'll fall down.

Be careful,()youll fall down.Aon the contraryBor ratherCor elseDas for