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James VI of Scotland succeeded Elizabe

James VI of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth I and became James I of England in()

  • A1601
  • B1603
  • C1615
  • D1625

1、Tom succeeded in getting a()of $3,000

Tom succeeded in getting a()of $3,000 from the bank to buy a new house.AdebtBfoundCloanDpayment

2、— May you succeed in the coming entran

— May you succeed in the coming entrance examination. —()AI’m so happy!BNo, I’m not good at studying.CYes. May I succeed.DThank you, the same to you.

3、You must explain()how they succeeded()

You must explain()how they succeeded()the experiment.Aof us;forBat us;atCto us;inDfor us;to

4、Scotland occupies the()third of the is

Scotland occupies the()third of the island of Great Britain in the British Isles.AsouthernBnorthernCeasternDwester

5、John succeeded()what he wanted

John succeeded()what he wantedAto getBto gettingCin gettingDand getting

6、()wants to succeed in the US needs to

()wants to succeed in the US needs to remember the rules of the game.AWhoeverBwhateverCwhomeverDwhenever