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Engine room is()fire.

Engine room is()fire.

  • Aon
  • Bin
  • Cat
  • Dout

1、In ships where the engine room is desi

In ships where the engine room is designed as UMS, temperature sensors are fitted at critical points within the scavenge spacesActivation would cause automatic ()of the engine.AstopBstartCspeed upDslow dow

2、() in the engine room, the motormen co

() in the engine room, the motormen could hardly talk each other.ATo workBWorkingCHaving workedDworked

3、Main engine room control console alarm

Main engine room control console alarms are to be of the self monitoring type, meaning that an open circuit to a particular alarm circuit wil...

4、During an engine room watch if immedia

During an engine room watch if immediate action is necessary to ensure safety of the ship its machinery and crew ()Athe chief engineer must...

5、When the engine room is put in standby

When the engine room is put in standby condition, the engineer in charge of the watch need not to()Aensure all machinery which may be used...

6、I am on fire in Engine room 的中文意思是().

I am on fire in Engine room 的中文意思是().AA、我船机舱失火BB、我船货舱失火CC、我船厨房失火DD、我船泵舱失火