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Why didn’t you come to my birth

Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? --()

  • AExcuse me,my friend sent me a flower
  • BFine,I never go to birthday parties
  • CWell,I don’t like birthday parties
  • DSorry,but my wife had a car accident



1、Could you come()to the&


2、You didn't have to write the essay if

You didnt have to write the essay if you didnt want to. It was()AcompulsoryBsuitableCalternativeDoptional

3、Excuse me. I didn't mean to bother you

Excuse me. I didnt mean to bother you.()A There‘s no problem.B It‘s a pleasure.CThat‘s quite all right.DI didn‘t realize that.

4、Why didn’t you tell me you could me th

Why didn’t you tell me you could me the money? I()(本来不必从银行借钱的)

5、How ______ of you to remember my birth

How ______ of you to remember my birthday!A thoughtfulB thoughtfullyC carefulD carefully

6、I didn’t know you

I didn’t know you a previous supplier.()AwereBbeCare