可学答题网 > 问答 > 各种英文业务电报、电传、传真、电子邮件等题库
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The broadcast will normally be made on

The broadcast will normally be made on the two listed frequencies simultaneously except during transmitter maintenance periods when the broadcast will be made on the two frequencies().

  • Aat the same time
  • Bexclusively
  • Cwithin the same period
  • Dconsecutively

1、The broadcast of MSI is made on two de

The broadcast of MSI is made on two dedicated systems. “dedicated” means().AspecialBdifferentCexpensiveDvaluable

2、On-scene communications will normally

On-scene communications will normally take place between().Aship in distress and assisting unitsBNCS and RCCCRCCs and on-scene commander or coordinator surface searchDship in distress and coast statio

3、Your stay on the islands will be most

Your stay on the islands will be most impressive mainly because of .Athe beautiful sea viewsBDarwin’s inapiring tripCa clder view of animalsDvarious daring activities

4、()will be broadcast every one hour on

()will be broadcast every one hour on VHF Channel 6.AVHF NewsBChannel RulesCVisibility TimeDNavigational Warning

5、What will NOT be found on the Certific

What will NOT be found on the Certificate of Inspection of an ocean going tanker?()AManning requirementsBMinimum freeboard permittedCGrade(s) of cargoes that the vessel may carryDWaters upon which the vessel may be operated

6、On-scene communications will normally

On-scene communications will normally take place between().Aship in distress and assisting unitsBNCS and RCCCRCCs and „0n-scene commander‟ or co-ordinator surface searchDship in distress and coast statio