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Nathan’s attitude towards Morita seems

Nathan’s attitude towards Morita seems to be of_____.

  • A[A] strong distaste [B] implicit criticism [C] enthusiastic support [D] reserved consent

1、His attitude toward us seems()

His attitude toward us seems()AnicelyBwarmlyCkindlyDfriendly

2、The author’s attitudes towards future,

The author’s attitudes towards future, as is indicated in the beginning of the second paragraph, is one of______.A[A] reluctant acceptanceB[B] sheer pessimismC[C] mild optimismD[D] extreme hopefulness

3、25.What is the author“s attitude towar

25.What is the author“s attitude towards online self-gifting? 请阅读Passage 1,完成第21-25小题。 Passage 1 Among the throngs of Ame...

4、What is the author’s attitude towards

What is the author’s attitude towards the modem teehnology?ACriticalBObjectiveCOptimisticDNegative

5、What is the author’s attitude towards

What is the author’s attitude towards the Parliament?A[A] Indignant.B[B] Skeptical.C[C] Inquisitive.D[D] Critical.

6、The author’s attitude towards euthanas

The author’s attitude towards euthanasia seems to be that of ________.A[A] oppositionB[B] suspicionC[C] approvalD[D] indifference