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()continuously extract the crankcase a

()continuously extract the crankcase atmosphere, via a pipe system, and move it past a sensitive and accurate opacity measuring track.

  • AThe oil mist detectors
  • BThe smoke detectors
  • CAn oily water monitor
  • DOil discharge monitoring and controlling system

1、The crankcase can not be opened ()the

The crankcase can not be opened ()the parts have been cooled down.AifBasCunlessDwhe

2、A continual worsening of the list or t

A continual worsening of the list or trim indicates().Anegative GMBpropressive floodingCstructural failureDan immediate need to ballast

3、The Shipowner continues to be liable a

The Shipowner continues to be liable as a carrier()by the contract,or in the usual course of business,the transit is terminated and the goods have been warehoused for their owner to be ready to receive them.AwhenBthe timeCthe dayDuntil

4、The crankcase of many diesel engines a

The crankcase of many diesel engines are kept under a slight vacuum by the ().Ascavenging action of the pistonBpiston type vacuum pump taking suction off a differential manometerCgland exhausting manometerDcrankcase exhaust fa

5、If you hear a continuous blast of the

If you hear a continuous blast of the ship’s whistle for a period of a period of not less than 10 saconds supplemented by a continuous rin...

6、Excessive oil foaming in the crankcase

Excessive oil foaming in the crankcase of a refrigeration compressor can result in ().Aoverheated compressor bearingsBexcess lube oil viscosityCcarbon deposits on the compressor piston ringsDwax crystals forming in the lubricant