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An axial piston, variable stroke pump

An axial piston, variable stroke pump is used in a vessels hydraulic steering gearUnder pressure, oil continually leaks out from between the valve plate/cylinder barrel and will().

  • Acause loss of hydraulic oil from the system
  • Bresult in extreme damage to the pump
  • Ccause damage to the pump ff not continually drained from the pump casing
  • Dresult in the system high side pressure to substantially drop off

1、In the variable delivery pump, moving

In the variable delivery pump, moving the spindle more from the central point will cause () fluid to be pumped and consequently ()pressure is generated to drive the rams.Amore;moreBmore;lessCless;moreDless;le

2、An axial轴向 piston pump differs from a

An axial轴向 piston pump differs from a radial piston pump as the pistons of an axial piston pump are positioned ().Aradially from the shaft...

3、If a radial piston hydraulic pump fail

If a radial piston hydraulic pump fails to deliver rated fluid volume, the cause can be ().Acontaminated fluidBpitted thrust ringsCworn pintle bearingsDobstructed suctions passage

4、The effective pump stroke of an indivi

The effective pump stroke of an individual port-and-helix fuel injection pump is determined by the ()Afuel delivery pressureBpump plunger diameterCplunger control rack positionDtotal pump stroke

5、With reference to an axial piston pump

With reference to an axial piston pump, which one of the following statements is true?()AThe cylindrical barrel is coupled to the motorBThe cylindrical barrel has an odd number of boresCThe bores end in socketsDThe sockets fit in the swash plate

6、The delivery rate of an axial-piston h

The delivery rate of an axial-piston hydraulic pump is controlled by varying the position of the ().Asliding blockBpintleCreaction ringDtilting box or swash plate