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The pressurized air is usually cooled

The pressurized air is usually cooled to increase the charge air ().

  • Aviscosity
  • Bdensity
  • Cvelocity
  • Delectricity

1、Cooling the intake air supplied to a d

Cooling the intake air supplied to a diesel engine will ().Areduce mean effective pressureBdecrease average compression pressureCdecrease air charge densityDincrease power output

2、Usually we take the cooling effect of

Usually we take the cooling effect of the air flown through the cylinder during the overlap period as()AinevitableBharmfulChelpfulDunacceptable

3、The compressor in an air-cooled conden

The compressor in an air-cooled condensing refrigeration system is short cycling on the high pressure cutout switch()Asystem is overcharged with...

4、The cooling of the piston is carried o

The cooling of the piston is carried out by circulating () across the underside of the crown and inside the ring belt or through specially shaped passages.Asea waterBscavenging airClubricating oilDfuel oil

5、The quantity of cooled air delivered b

The quantity of cooled air delivered by an air conditioning unit should () the sum of the quantity of air re-circulated to the unit and the quantity mechanically exhausted.AbalanceBnot balanceCbe more thanDbe less tha

6、Air cocks, usually positioned at the (

Air cocks, usually positioned at the () in a circulating system, is used to get rid of the air in the system.Abending jointBexpansion tankCweldDthe highest point