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Except in rare cases,it is impossible

Except in rare cases,it is impossible to extinguish a shipboard fire by().

  • Aremoving the heal
  • Bremoving the oxygen
  • Cremoving the fuel
  • Dinterrupting the chain reactio

1、It is dangerous to()in present positio

It is dangerous to()in present position.AremainBremainingCbe remainingDbe remained

2、It is customary in shipping practice t

It is customary in shipping practice to quote freight rates()weight or measurement,ship’s option.Aon the basis ofBas a result ofCarise fromDcome into being

3、7.— ________ .is your pencil case?—It’

7.— ________ .is your pencil case?—It’s blue and white.A HowB What colorCWhatD When

4、It is the () on Case assignment that s

It is the () on Case assignment that states that a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other.ACase ConditionBparameterCAdjacent ConditionDAdjacent Parameter

5、In a VoWLAN deployment, It is recommen

In a VoWLAN deployment, It is recommended()dBm separation between cells with the same channel.A6B7C10D19

6、In case a ship is in emergency or dist

In case a ship is in emergency or distress in any of 4 areas, it is required to use the continuous()alert.AMF/HFBSARTCEPIRBDany of A, B, C