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She felt that she had done her good d

She felt that she had done her good deed for the day. 

  • Aact
  • Bhomework
  • Cjustice
  • Dmodel



1、She had just finished her homework her

She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.A when B while C after D since

2、She took her handkerchief out () her p

She took her handkerchief out () her pocket.AfromBofCi

3、She()stealing when she had no money.

She()stealing when she had no money.Amet withBtook stock ofCresorted toDtook inventory of

4、The music was so loud that she had to

The music was so loud that she had to raise her voice to make herself()AhearBheardCto hearDhearing

5、She had hardly got home________ her hu

She had hardly got home________ her husband went to work?AwhenBafterCthatDsince

6、She always felt inferior ______ her ol

She always felt inferior ______ her older sister.A withB fromC toD on