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Great Salt Pond on Block Island is().

Great Salt Pond on Block Island is().

  • Aentered through a dredged cut
  • Bnot accessible in easterly gales
  • Cavailable for vessels up to a maximum draft of 8 feet (2.4m)
  • Dnot affected by the tide

1、The Great Barrier Reef is included on

The Great Barrier Reef is included on the World Heritage list because()Ait has the most beautiful seascape in the worldBit has the greatest ...

2、Could you buy some salt on your way ho

Could you buy some salt on your way home? ()AAll right.BIs that all?CJust a few.DLet me see.

3、On a gnomonic chart,a great circle tra

On a gnomonic chart,a great circle track between Los Angeles and Brisbane will appear as a ().Aloxodromic curveBcurved line concave to the equatorCstraight lineDspiral approaching the poles as a limit

4、A metal ring on the bottom of a block,

A metal ring on the bottom of a block,to which the standing part of a tackle is spliced,is known as a(n)().AbecketBloopCswivelDeye

5、At a rough estimate,Nigeria is()Great

At a rough estimate,Nigeria is()Great Britain.Athree times as big asBthree times as bigger asCas three times big asDas three times gigger a

6、Great care is dedicated to the removal

Great care is dedicated to the removal of from the scavenge air()AgravityBviscosityCdensityDhumidity