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In case of your steering gear failed,(

In case of your steering gear failed,()should be exhibited in shapes or lights.

  • Anot under command
  • Brestricted in her ability to manoeuvre
  • Crestrained by her draught
  • Dunderway

1、In the case of 

In the case of MT,the remitting bank issues a draft to its customer,and directs&#8194...

2、In an electro-hydraulic steering gear

In an electro-hydraulic steering gear system, when will the variable displacement pump be placed on stroke?()AWhen the helm is at any angle o...

3、Present and market your case in a()way

Present and market your case in a()way.ApositiveBpossibleCpreviousDprivate

4、In all cases,however,the capacity of s

In all cases,however,the capacity of segregated ballast tanks shall be()such that,in any ballast condition at any part of the voyage,includi...

5、The length of the steering oar in a li

The length of the steering oar in a lifeboat is().Ashorter than the rowing oarsBthe same length as the rowing oarsClonger than the rowing oarsDunrelated to the length of the rowing oar

6、In case of accidents()the risk of sink

In case of accidents()the risk of sinking,all effective measures shall be taken to steer clear of the fairway to avoid()the traffic.Ainvolving/impedingBinvolved/to impedeCinvolving/to impedeDinvolved/impeding