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When out of sight of land, a ship’s po

When out of sight of land, a ship’s position can be found by using().

  • Athe coastal navigation
  • Bthe celestial navigation
  • Ctraditional navigation
  • Dthe great circle navigatio

1、By night,you sight the lights of a ves

By night,you sight the lights of a vessel engaged in underwater operations. If an obstruction exists on the port side of the vessel,it will be marked by().Aa floodlightBtwo red lights in a vertical lineCa single red lightDany visible light

2、When a vessel’s LCG is aft of her LCB,

When a vessel’s LCG is aft of her LCB,the vessel will().Atrim by the sternBtrim by the headCbe on an even keelDbe tender

3、()of my ship’s propeller is very stron

()of my ship’s propeller is very strong.AThe running reflectionBThe turning effectCThe moving speedDThe changing sensibility

4、The two great themes of Dickinson.s po

The two great themes of Dickinson.s poetry were()Adeath and search for faithBthe grave and the soulCthe grave and faith Ddeath and the soul

5、A vessel is “in sight” of another vess

A vessel is “in sight” of another vessel when().Ashe can be observed by radarBshe can be observed visually from the other vesselCshe can be plotted on radar well enough to determine her headingDher fog signal can be heard

6、A line of position formed by sighting

A line of position formed by sighting two charted objects in line is called a(n)().Arelative bearingBrange lineCtrack lineDestimated positio