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The foremost part of the upper deck is

The foremost part of the upper deck is called the().

  • Aforecastle
  • Btweendeck
  • Chatches
  • Dpeak tank

1、In some parts of the world there is of

In some parts of the world there is often a slight fall in tide during the middle of the high water period. The effect is to create a lon...

2、The largest part of U.K. is ()

The largest part of U.K. is ()

3、If the electronic chart is part of an

If the electronic chart is part of an ECDIS,it must display the minimum data required by IMO/IHO,to include all of the following EXCEPT().AhydrographyBaids to navigationCtidal currentsDregulatory boundarie

4、()is from baseline to top of the upper

()is from baseline to top of the upper deck breadth at the ship’s side amidships.AExtreme draftBMolded draftCExtreme depthDMolded depth

5、The duty of a deck winch is to lift an

The duty of a deck winch is to lift and lower a load by means of a fixed rope on ().Aa warp endBa mooring winchCa worm gearDa barrel

6、()is the head of the Deck Department.

()is the head of the Deck Department.AThe Chief OfficerBThe Second officerCThe Third OfficerDMaster