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Fuel is ignited in a diesel engine cyl

Fuel is ignited in a diesel engine cylinder by ()

  • Aa spark plug
  • Binjectors
  • Cthe heat of compression
  • Dincreasing jacket water temperature

1、A diesel engine piston ring face is in

A diesel engine piston ring face is in direct contact with the ().Atop of the ring grooveBcylinder liner oil filmCbottom of the ring grooveDback of the ring groove

2、The ignition quality of a diesel fuel

The ignition quality of a diesel fuel oil is indicated by the ()Aspecific gravityBcetane numberCviscosityDcalorific valve

3、Late fuel injection in a diesel engine

Late fuel injection in a diesel engine is indicated by low firing pressure with()Ahigh exhaust temperatureBlow exhaust temperatureCfuel knock in each cylinderDmechanical knock in each cylinder

4、The ignition quality of diesel fuel is

The ignition quality of diesel fuel is indicated by its()Aoctane numberBcetane numberCviscosity in Saybolt secondsDair fuel ratio

5、When fuel is injected in a diesel engi

When fuel is injected in a diesel engine cylinder too early, ()Aignition may be delayedBfuel economy is not affectedCexhaust gas temperature will be unchangedDthe exhaust will be clear

6、In a diesel engine, blow-by is a resul

In a diesel engine, blow-by is a result of combustion gases leaking into the crankcase past the ()Awrist pin bushingsBcompression ringsCcylinder liner sealsDcylinder liner sealing ring