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Please honor our arrangement by exchan

Please honor our arrangement by exchanging the damaged goods.()

  • A请通过交换有损物资的方式使我们的安排免遭羞辱。
  • B请以履行我们之间的协议为荣,负责调换被损坏的物品。
  • C调换受损产品是协议规定,请遵照执行。
  • D请遵守我们的协议,负责调换受损货物。

1、Please arrange for the workers to do t

Please arrange for the workers to do the()work during loading the trucks and heavy cargo on the ship,and also supply the necessary materials for the work.AlashingBshiftingCliftingDtallying

2、I feel it's an honor()to attend the op

I feel its an honor()to attend the opening ceremony of the new bank.Ato inviteBof being invitedCto be invitedDhaving invited

3、()with various arrangements of barrels

()with various arrangements of barrels are the usual mooring equipment used on board ships.AcranesBwinchesCcapstansDwindla

4、Please arrange()a surveyor to inspect

Please arrange()a surveyor to inspect the damaged bulkhead.AofBforCwithDi

5、We always()our wedding anniversary by

We always()our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.AmakeBholdCcelebrateDremember

6、With everything arranged properly, the

With everything arranged properly, the project is surely to () smoothly as planned, step by step.AimproveBincreaseCprogressDoccur