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If a DC motor runs hot, the cause may

If a DC motor runs hot, the cause may be ()

  • Ahigh mica condition
  • Blow ambient temperature
  • Cclogged ventilation ducts
  • Dan open in the shunt field

1、If the electric motor driving an air c

If the electric motor driving an air compressor fails to start, the cause may be a ().Aleaking unloaderBtripped circuit breakerCcontrol line leakDdefective pop valve

2、Defense plans may cause the operation

Defense plans may cause the operation of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with ().Ano noticeBone day's noticeCa week's noticeDthirty (30) days notice

3、The word"motel" comes from"motor + hot

The word"motel" comes from"motor + hotel". This is an example of__________ in morphology.AbackformationBconversionCblendingDacronym

4、If the cause of a sudden severe list i

If the cause of a sudden severe list is negative initial stability,counterflooding into empty tanks may().Aincrease the righting momentBcause a...

5、Which of the following may cause that

Which of the following may cause that the compressor cuts off on high pressure cutout in a refrigeration plant? ()(1) faulty condensing(2) to...

6、If the cause of a sudden severe list o

If the cause of a sudden severe list or trim is negative initial stability,counter flooding into empty tanks may().Aincrease the righting mom...